Kansas City Brass Armadillo has many great dealers

Dealer 135 has a large customer friendly booth with a good mix of merchandise and great prices. They offer painted and repurposed furniture, home décor, a variety of kitchen items and glassware. All is neatly organized and displayed in a well-lit booth. It gives a room ready appearance and lots of ideas for uses in your home.

Kansas City Booth


Dealer 98 has several booths and this is his furniture booth with lots of different types of advertising collectibles. His other booths house all types of room ready vintage oak furniture. All is neatly displayed and offers up great pricing with lots of fun things to look at he also has an advertising booth and one that is devoted to a variety of vintage collectibles.

Kasas City Dealer 98


Dealer 556 offers shoppers a wide variety of merchandise covering all eras and has unique one of a kind repurposed décor and furniture always in a neat and organized booth great pieces and offers up a true value. This is one of two booths and the other booth features more collectibles of the same type.

Kansas City Dealer 556arnie-divide

Dealer 789 has a classy mix of artistic home décor made up of artist inspired wall hangings, repurposed furniture and a funky selection of “Farmpunk” created lamps and lighting. They have multiple booths that feature choices of these types of items.

Kansas City Dealer 789arnie-divide

Dealer 191 offers an ever changing mix of primitives to repurposed items and project pieces. All items are always very well displayed and they offer up a very large selection of excellent choices that are a great value. They also share two other booths that have the same appeal.

Kansas City Dealer 191